March 5, 2023 Church News

  1. Welcome to our Holy Communion Sunday Service. Please pick up your Communion elements at the front desk. Wearing a mask is strongly encouraged inside the church and while singing. Speakers may choose not to wear a mask if they speak behind the Plexiglass.
  • English & Youth & JAM: 10am @ Gym
  • Cantonese: 8:30 & 11:30am Sanctuary; Mandarin: 10am A8
  1. In-Person English Sunday School 11:30am-12:30pm
    • Children’s Sunday School in B4-B7; Adult Sunday School in Gym
    • Junior High Sunday School & Senior High School:paused
  2. Monthly Café Today at 11:45am
  • After English morning service, please join us in the gym for some snacks and hot drinks. We hope that Monthly Cafe’s will help cultivate more community within the church. No sign up necessary!
  • There is a chance for us to interact with Pastor and Mrs. Don Dyck, before they meet for lunch with the deacons, staff, and the English Pastoral Search Committee
  1. Church Decluttering: We are decluttering the church. Please complete the decluttering activities of all rooms and areas in the church by March 31. Discarded items will either be donated or thrown away.
  2. Thank you to those who helped out with moving our Library books and shelves. The painting in the gym is under process. The Chinese books are now in the hallway outside the room B11; English books in B7; DVD/CD & the remainder of the Chinese books are in A11. Please feel free to check them out.
  3. Daylight Saving Time begins 3/12 (Next Sun). Remember to turn your clocks forward 1 hour!
  4. Staff News: Charles Yu, Special Pastor, has joined our pastoral team on 3/1. He will work not less than 10 hours per week. Email
  5. 3/11(Sat. 10:30am) the ordination ceremony of our former Mandarin Pastor Adam Xiao will be held in East Richmond Community Hall officiated by Rev. John Sun, the founder of ECBC.


  1. NEW SERMON SERIES: What would you expect of a person of deep faith experiencing extreme crisis? This person knows God is good and yet experiences unbelievable loss, the loss of property, the loss of family, the loss of health, the loss of everything in life. That person is Job and we will examine Job’s life through our sermon series on the Book of Job.
  2. English Prayer Meeting 8-9pm @ Zoom ID: 816 8896 1006 Passcode: 162746. Join us, so we can pray together as a church family.
  3. 4/9 Easter Baptismal & Membership Ceremony Sunday: If you have converted and want to be baptized or Christians have attended PG for at least 3 months and want to be a Church Member of PG (can hold an overseas church membership), please contact Pastor Bill. Applicants need to take Baptismal/Membership Classes and will have an interview with the Deacon Board on 3/19.
  4. Cedars at Hopehill (former Beulah) Senior Home Monday Service (1:30-2:30pm) has resumed. If you would like to serve, please contact Miranda Fong
  5. 4/1(Sat. 4:45-6:15pm) Cantonese Outreach Seminar about depression. Jeanny Lam will share. Details please see the poster. You and your friends/family members are welcome
  6. 4/14(Fri. 8pm) Cantonese Music Gospel Night hosted by SOBEM & PG ReCONNECTled by The Channels , details see the poster. Please pray for non-believing family members and friends and invite them to join.
  7. Outreach program Meet on Friday相聚星期五」, 10:30am-12pm Exercises & Praise Dance; 1-3 pm Ping Pong. For enquiry or registration, please contact Sallen Chan, Joseph Wong or admin,
  8. To help the victims of the earthquake in Syria and Turkey, we encourage our members to donate to MCC or Multiply.
  9. 2/22-4/9 MB Biblical Seminary Easter Devotional Remain in Me. A daily reflection delivered to your inbox during the season of Lent. Register online.
  10. 3/12(Sun)4:30-6:30pm Cantonese Plan to Protect Training – Orientation @the sanctuary. An English Refresher Training will be in Aug. It is MANDATORY for all senior, children and youth workers to attend once a year. New volunteers are recommended to join this orientation training. Register with Miranda Fong & Angel Lee :
  11. 3/26(Sun. 1pm) Community Lunch to welcome newcomers who joined us from January to March. Please register with Tom Tsang before 3/19
  12. Please pray for the sick and the families.

Special Announcement for Feb.26, 2023 Sunday due to snow

Due to the snow, we decided the church will suspend in person Sunday activities and transition to online activities on Feb. 26

All Cantonese/English Sunday gatherings will use the same link,ID#876 4903 9910, PC#2023. Please choose the room you want to join.

Morning Cantonese Service @8:30am

English & Children Service @10am; English and Children Sunday School @11:30am

Noon Cantonese Service @11:30am

February 26, 2023 Church News

  1. Thank you, Don Dyck for allowing God to use you today to breathe life through His word. May God bless your ministry.
  2. Welcome to our Sunday Service. Wearing a mask is strongly encouraged inside the church and while singing. Speakers may choose not to wear a mask if they speak behind the Plexiglass.
  • English & Youth & JAM: 10am @ Gym
  • Cantonese: 8:30 & 11:30am Sanctuary; Mandarin: 10am A8
  1. In-Person English Sunday School 11:30am-12:30pm
    • Children’s Sunday School in B4-B7; Adult Sunday School in Gym
    • Junior High Sunday School in B11; Senior High School in A9
  2. Excerpts from DB Meeting on Feb 11, 2023
  • Part of Pastor David’s no pay leave for 2023 may cross over to January 2024.
  • Pastor Esmond’s first no pay leave month in 2023 will be in April.
  • Pastor Miller’s no pay leave month will be from March 20 to April 21. He will take a mission trip that welcomes the support and involvement of PGMBC. Details will be announced as time progresses.
  • Accepted the request of Vancouver Chinese Evangelical Ministerial Fellowship to use the church building for its monthly meeting on March 13, and lunch will be provided for the participating pastors on that day.
  • Out of the 2022 surplus, 20,000 dollars will be allocated to support the efforts of humanitarian relief and mission work as a result of the recent earthquakes in Turkey and Syria. Pastor Miller, Rachel Vong, and Vicki Chiu will be responsible for exploring which organizations will be most suitable for the church to distribute the fund. (it was decided that $10,000 to MCC and $10,000 to Multiply after the meeting)
  • Vicki Chiu was assigned to be the supporting deacon for the Cantonese Evangelism Department.
  • The preliminary policy for the personal information protection was adopted, and the vice chairperson of the deacon board Oliver Chan was affirmed to be the overall privacy officer overlooking the holistic implementation of this policy.
  • The schemes of Ministry Support Group will continue in February, focusing on different pastors, deacons, and department and committee chairs to meet along the stream of language congregations.
  • In view of the lack of application for the English lead pastor position of PGMBC, it was suggested that the search for English pastor, interim pastor, adult or career pastor or intern may be viable alternatives to consider.
  1. Guidelines for Cancellation of in-person Sunday gatherings: due to weather or other unforeseen circumstances, the lead pastor, in consultation with the Executive Committee, will decide by 6:00 am on Sunday on whether the church will suspend in person Sunday activities and transition to online activities. A message will be sent to all WhatsApp groups, posted on the church’s website & Facebook. Leaders, please notify your members to join the gatherings on Zoom instead. The gathering time, a simplified rundown will be the same as in the past.
  • All Cantonese/English Sunday gatherings will use the same link,ID#876 4903 9910, PC#2023. Please choose the room you want to join.
  1. 2022 Offering Receipts for donations by cheques, cash or eTransfer have been mailed or emailed. If you have not received that by this week, please contact
  2. Church Decluttering: We are decluttering the church. Please complete the decluttering activities of all rooms and areas in the church by March 31. Discarded items will either be donated or thrown away.
  3. Thank you to those who helped out with moving our Library books and shelves. The painting in the gym is under process. The Chinese books are now in the hallway outside the room B11; English books in B7; DVD/CD & the remainder of the Chinese books in A11. Please feel free to check them out.
  4. Staff news: this morning Pastor David is preaching in Bby PGMBC. 3/3(Fri) Pastor Bill will take one-day study leave to attend UGM retreat. Pastor Charles will be a short-term special pastor of the church from March to May.


  1. NEW SERMON SERIES: What would you expect of a person of deep faith experiencing extreme crisis? This person knows God is good and yet experiences unbelievable loss, the loss of property, the loss of family, the loss of health, the loss of everything in life. That person is Job and we will examine Job’s life through our sermon series on the Book of Job.
  2. Joint Mission Prayer Meeting 7:30pm@ Zoom ID: 862 6579 1403 Passcode: 888026. Our supporting missionary Ah Gor will share his service in the fields.
  3. 4/9 Easter Baptismal & Membership Ceremony Sunday: If you have converted and want to be baptized or Christians have attended PG for at least 3 months and want to be a Church Member of PG (can hold an overseas church membership), please contact Pastor Bill. Applicants need to take Baptismal/Membership Classes and will have an interview with the Deacon Board on 3/19.
  4. Cedars at Hopehill (former Beulah) Senior Home Monday Service (1:30-2:30pm) has resumed. If you would like to serve, please contact Miranda Fong
  5. 4/14(Fri. 8pm) Cantonese Music Gospel Night hosted by SOBEM & PG ReCONNECTled by The Channels , details see the poster. Please pray for non-believing family members and friends and invite them to join.
  6. Outreach program Meet on Friday相聚星期五」, 10:30am-12pm Exercises & Praise Dance; 1-3pm Ping Pong. For enquiry or registration, please contact Sallen Chan, Joseph Wong or admin,
  7. To help the victims of the earthquake in Syria and Turkey, we encourage our members to donate to MCC or Multiply
  8. 2/22-4/9 MB Biblical Seminary Easter Devotional Remain in Me. A daily reflection delivered to your inbox during the season of Lent. Register online.
  9. 3/12(Sun)4:30-6:30pm Cantonese Plan to Protect Training – Orientation @the sanctuary. An English Refresher Training will be in Aug. It is MANDATORY for all senior, children and youth workers to attend once a year. New volunteers are recommended to join this orientation training. Register with Miranda Fong & Angel Lee :
  10. 3/26(Sun. 1pm) Community Lunch to welcome newcomers of Jan-Mar. Please register with Tom Tsang before 3/19
  11. Please pray for the sick and the families.

February 19, 2023 Church News

  1. Welcome to our Sunday Service. Wearing a mask is strongly encouraged inside the church and while singing. Speakers may choose not to wear a mask if they speak behind the Plexiglass.
  • English & Youth & JAM: 10am @ Gym
  • Cantonese: 8:30 & 11:30am Sanctuary; Mandarin: 10am A8
  1. In-Person English Sunday School 11:30am-12:30pm
    • Children’s Sunday School in B4-B7; Adult Sunday School in Gym
    • Junior High Sunday School in B11; Senior High School in A9
  2. Excerpts from DB Meeting on Feb 11, 2023
  • Part of Pastor David’s no pay leave for 2023 may cross over to January 2024.
  • Pastor Esmond’s first no pay leave month in 2023 will be in April.
  • Pastor Miller’s no pay leave month will be from March 20 to April 21. He will take a mission trip that welcomes the support and involvement of PGMBC. Details will be announced as time progresses.
  • Accepted the request of Vancouver Chinese Evangelical Ministerial Fellowship to use the church building for its monthly meeting on March 13, and lunch will be provided for the participating pastors on that day.
  • Out of the 2022 surplus, 20,000 dollars will be allocated to support the efforts of humanitarian relief and mission work as a result of the recent earthquakes in Turkey and Syria. Pastor Miller, Rachel Vong, and Vicki Chiu will be responsible for exploring which organizations will be most suitable for the church to distribute the fund. (it was decided that $10,000 to MCC and $10,000 to Multiply after the meeting)
  • Vicki Chiu was assigned to be the supporting deacon for the Cantonese evangelism department.
  • The preliminary policy for the personal information protection was adopted, and the vice chairperson of the deacon board Oliver Chan was affirmed to be the overall privacy officer overlooking the holistic implementation of this policy.
  • The schemes of Ministry Support Group will continue in February, focusing on different pastors, deacons, and department and committee chairs to meet along the stream of language congregations.
  • In view of the lack of application for the English lead pastor position of PGMBC, it was suggested that the search for English pastor, interim pastor, adult or career pastor or intern may be viable alternatives to consider.
  1. 2022 Offering Receipts for donations by cheques, cash or eTransfer have been mailed or emailed starting 2/8. Some hard copies will be distributed on 2/12 & 2/19. If you have not received that by this week, please contact
  2. Church Decluttering: We are decluttering the church. . Thank you to those who helped out with moving our Library books and shelves yesterday. Please complete the decluttering activities of all rooms and areas in the church by March 31. Discarded items will either be donated or thrown away.
  3. Staff news: Pastor Charles will be a short-term special pastor of the church from March to May. The office will be closed for 2/20 Family Day


  1. The children will join the English Congregation for the Praise and Worship component of the service. Please drop your kids at the gym and the greeters will guide them to sit at the front of the service. When the chairperson finishes praying, one of the JAM leaders will bring the kids to B7 for a Children’s Message.
  2. NEW SERMON SERIES: What would you expect of a person of deep faith experiencing extreme crisis? This person knows God is good and yet experiences unbelievable loss, the loss of property, the loss of family, the loss of health, the loss of everything in life. That person is Job and we will examine Job’s life through our sermon series on the Book of Job.
  3. English Prayer Meeting 8-9pm @ NEW Zoom ID: 816 8896 1006 Passcode: 162746. This week will pray for Love Fellowship.
  4. 4/9 Easter Baptismal & Membership Ceremony Sunday: If you have converted and want to be baptized or Christians have attended PG for at least 3 months and want to be a Church Member of PG (can hold an overseas church membership), please contact Pastor Bill. Applicants need to take Baptismal/Membership Classes and will have an interview with the Deacon Board on 3/19.
  5. Beulah Senior Home Monday Service (1:30-2:30pm) has resumed. If you would like to serve, please contact Miranda Fong
  6. Outreach program Meet on Friday相聚星期五」, 10:30am-12pm Exercises & Praise Dance; 1-3pm Ping Pong. For enquiry or registration, please contact Sallen Chan, Joseph Wong or admin,
  7. A8 magnitude earthquake hit Syria and Turkey, causing widespread damage and loss of life. We encourage our members to donate to MCC or Multiply to help the victims.
  8. Joint Mission Prayer Meeting 7:30pm@ Zoom ID: 862 6579 1403 Passcode: 888026. Our supporting missionary Ah Gor will share his service in the fields. All welcome.
  9. 2/9-19 Winnie Chow of Goodness fellowship joined a ministry training of Ratanak International in Cambodia and is returning today. May God keep her physically safe and healthy as she travels.
  10. 2/22-4/9 MB Biblical Seminary Easter Devotional Remain in Me. A daily reflection delivered to your inbox during the season of Lent. Register online.
  11. 3/12(Sun)4:30-6:30pm Cantonese Plan to Protect Training – Orientation @the sanctuary. An English Refresher Training will be in Aug. It is MANDATORY for all senior, children and youth workers to attend once a year. New volunteers are recommended to join this orientation training. Register before 2/19 with Miranda Fong & Angel Lee :